Keep Up
With Content
Artificial Intelligence
“Reads” content & scans images to block inappropriate material.
Real-Time Filtering
Automatically unblocks pages when inappropriate content is no longer featured.
Make It
Image Filtering
Filters images based on your preferred settings. Paint over skin-tone images to keep your browsing modest.
Video Filtering
Block all video or allow video access from specific sites. For your computer, you can choose a YouTube filter level that’s right for you.
Find The Right
Geder-Approved Whitelist
Access our pre-vetted list of thousands of kosher sites for news, shopping & more. Create or import your own unlimited whitelist.
Geder-Approved Categories
Access 15+ categories like real estate, Ecommerce, automotive, and financial industries.
More Flexible Features
Clean, safe browsing
Timed Settings
Restrict internet access after hours.
Block Ads
Browse without ads.
Safer Browsing
Block spam sites as-you -go.
Keyword Filter
Block inappropriate keyword searches.
Safe Search On
Keep your computer in Safe Search mode.
Page Scrubbing
Clean the page of inappropriate content so you can access the rest.